Are you the sort of individual who continually seeks to learn and improve, who sees excitement in tackling projects that aren’t guaranteed to suceed, who would like to try to push up against the boundaries of human knowledge? If so, you should consider joining our dynamic team of young researchers who are each challenging themselves to construct new knowledge and opportunity.

Positions in the group of Dr. Chester range from third-year undergraduate students conducting a scientific term project for course credit, to senior undergraduate and graduate students pushing the limits of our standard curriculum with a negotiated curriculum on an advanced topic, up to occasional openings for PhD candidates to tackle a difficult topic and publish three solid research manuscripts over the course of four years. I am quite flexible with creating custom environments to help students push their limits and create new opportunities for themselves and for others, so long as it’s related to my core expertise in parallel algorithms and data management.

Currently, we do not have any openings in the lab. Please check back in early Fall 2024.